“When people are out of work, unemployment results.” Those are the infamous words of President Calvin Coolidge from almost 100 years ago. Why do so ...
A long list of missed opportunities and errors in judgement led to our America’s COVID-19 disaster. Tracking all of Trump’s mistakes is like reading about ...
The COVID-19 pandemic tragically illustrates our country’s crippling polarization and economic inequality. It should be obvious that a democracy can’t survive with a wealth gap ...
If Donald Trump had led the Confederacy, the Emancipation Proclamation and Juneteenth might have come much sooner! He probably would have enjoyed leading a nation ...
A True Embarrassment For Our Country What more I can say about President Trump’s incompetent handling of the coronavirus outbreak that I didn’t say last ...
This former Confederate officer has hesitated to say anything until now, despite it being painfully obvious, but President Trump reminds me all too much of ...
Anything about “old white men” given I’m approaching two hundred years old and about as Anglo Saxon as they come… Blond-haired and blue-eyed, all the ...
Of all the things I found moronic and offensive about the President’s State of the Union Address last week, none was more painfully ridiculous than ...
President Trump’s calamitous distortions come so quickly that I barely have time to scribble my thoughts down before a new absurdity bursts forth across the ...
Among the latest Trump-family-induced, race-related controversies is the issue of whether Kamala Harris is really “Black,” whether her Jamaican heritage disqualifies her from being a ...
They’re already talking about the possibility of President Trump winning a second term despite losing the popular vote; supposedly he could lose by as many ...
Am I the only one who’s sick and tired of hearing how wonderful the economy is doing? Okay, maybe according to the government’s obsolete methodology ...
President Trump is just plain wrong about Robert E. Lee’s skill as a general. Believe me, if there’s anything this former Confederate officer can speak ...