Despite all their raging fury, most of the deluded self-described “patriots” who invaded the U.S. Capitol have very little to be angry about except the ...
While African Americans in this country are still fighting for recognition that Black Lives matter, Trump’s pardon of the Blackwater killers sends a message that ...
Newly elected Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, who may support a Congressional challenge to the Electoral College results, thinks Americans fought World War II to liberate ...
In case you’ve ever wondered why an avowed enemy of Southern Democrats—from Reconstruction through Jim Crow, all the way up to the Dixiecrats and the ...
There’s no evidence the Democrats stole the election from President Trump, but that’s almost irrelevant to “MAGAs” demanding “Stop the Steal.” It’s fairly obvious they ...
When it comes to healing our country and restoring national unity, based on his refusal to accept the reality of defeat, President Trump remains the ...
Unlike essential workers and first line responders, who have had no choice but to be exposed to the virus—never mind those in prisons, homeless shelters, ...
It’s clear that President Trump only cares about his own interests and getting reelected and has no vision for America whatsoever. If his “base” subscribes ...
Our fearless leader, President Trump, has now compared his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to the leadership of Winston Churchill and FDR during World War ...
The greatest threat to the American people isn’t rampaging mobs invading the suburbs or gun-toting vigilantes in souped-up pickup trucks; it’s President Trump’s incompetent leadership ...