Am I the only one getting more than a little impatient with the Democrats, both the Biden Administration and in Congress? I constantly rail against ...
Before I go on another rant about the foolishness of QAnon believers, let me explain why I sometimes sympathize with believers of Trump’s “big lie.” ...
Presumably your humble spirit isn’t the only one whose frustration and anger is growing over police bodycam footage not being used for its intended purpose—that ...
Regretfully, I am beginning to wonder if some people—that is, the MAGA crowd of Trump supporters—aren’t downright crazy. I understand that Trump fed them the ...
The medical experts who testified in the Derek Chauvin trial have established that George Floyd had stopped breathing and lost his pulse long before Chauvin ...
Republican legislators in states across the country want to limit early voting and place more restrictions on mail-in voting. They want us to believe the ...
Senator Ron Johnson finally spoke the simple truth of why he and other Trump supporters have so little concern about what happened at the Capitol—the ...
Before I begin, please accept my usual apology for once again using the term “white trash,” an expression that deeply offends my egalitarian grain. While ...
So, have you seen the hideous golden statue of former president Trump they wheeled out at CPAC—the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference? ...
What happened in Texas last week is one more painful, embarrassing disaster for our country, another one of those terrible events that some inevitably refer ...
Like their hero, Trump, the people who attacked the U.S. Capitol like to portray themselves as society’s victims, but the truth is their white privilege ...
The Republican Party has been nothing but a ruse concocted by the corporate power structure using their contrived “culture wars”—God, guns, and gays, etc.— to ...
The report from Trump’s “Advisory 1776 Commission” claims that America’s universities are “hotbeds of Anti-Americanism, libel, and censorship that combine to generate in students and ...