When Trump is declared the “bodyguard of western civilization,” is there any doubt that “western” means “white,” and the threat to civilization, the barbarians at ...
President Trump claims the Democratic Convention was “dark,” but with over 1,000 COVID deaths every day and the toll anticipated to surpass 300,000 by year’s ...
Just as President Trump has suggested that violence taking over our cities and the destruction of suburbia are greater threats to our nation than the ...
“The Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else.” That’s what British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said ...
It’s doubtful that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but President Trump is most certainly fiddling with our election process while Americans are still dying of ...
President Trump’s threat to withhold federal funding from public schools that do not open this fall in accordance with his wishes should not be taken ...
Jonathan M. Metzl’s extraordinary 2019 book, Dying of Whiteness, How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland just gets more relevant as the ...
“From the Hood to the Holler,” that’s the campaign slogan of Charles Booker, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Kentucky. I applaud the notion of ...
Even more than Richard Nixon’s 1968 “law and order” campaign, Trump’s ugly antics resemble those of former Alabama governor George Wallace, the virulent racist who ...
If everything wrong with American law enforcement got fixed tomorrow, African Americans and other people of color would still be suffering injustice until we tackle ...
The murders of Eric Garner and George Floyd were about domination, not law enforcement. Putting your knee on someone’s neck while they plead for their ...
Even if they are acknowledged to be “essential workers,” people of color are treated as expendable (i.e., black AND brown lives don’t matter!) and dying ...
Maybe it’s more efficient to ship every conceivable item in the known universe out of Amazon’s warehouses, but what about the people who lost their ...
Trump will be remembered for his negligent and incompetent management of the COVID-19 crisis, which destroyed our economy and caused the worst unemployment since the ...
The “liberate” protests going on all across the country, some led by gun-toting, right-wing extremists, are trying to turn what should be a non-political public ...
Our dysfunctional healthcare system, increasingly unaffordable housing, and insurmountable student loan debt all make it obvious that our country’s economic system was a disaster for ...
“When people are out of work, unemployment results.” Those are the infamous words of President Calvin Coolidge from almost 100 years ago. Why do so ...