The Gallant Pelham
My Story
Colonel John Pelham, Confederate States of America
It all Started Back in the Days of the Cotton Kingdom
My Time at West Point and the Coming of War
How I Became the “Gallant Pelham” (aka: How I got famous but dead)
The End of the Cotton Confederacy
Reconstruction (aka: How the South won the peace)
The Jim Crow Era (aka: Living hell for black folks)
The “Apologists” and the “Lost Cause” (aka Bullshit!)
The Dawning of the “Age of Aquarius”
My Perspective
My Weekly Journal
Mass Incarceration is the New Jim Crow
Confronting the Reality of “White Privilege”
Inequality for All
What the COVID-19 Crisis Exposed
Gun Violence in America
We Can Make America What it Must Become
My Book
My Digital Artwork
My Story
Colonel John Pelham, Confederate States of America
It all Started Back in the Days of the Cotton Kingdom
My Time at West Point and the Coming of War
How I Became the “Gallant Pelham” (aka: How I got famous but dead)
The End of the Cotton Confederacy
Reconstruction (aka: How the South won the peace)
The Jim Crow Era (aka: Living hell for black folks)
The “Apologists” and the “Lost Cause” (aka Bullshit!)
The Dawning of the “Age of Aquarius”
My Perspective
My Weekly Journal
Mass Incarceration is the New Jim Crow
Confronting the Reality of “White Privilege”
Inequality for All
What the COVID-19 Crisis Exposed
Gun Violence in America
We Can Make America What it Must Become
My Book
My Digital Artwork
My Journal
The Carried Interest Loophole
June 17, 2018
Let’s talk about the Carried Interest Loophole.
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“A Rich Man’s War and a Poor Man’s Fight”
June 13, 2018
There’s no question but that a lot of what’s going on today reminds me of the Cotton Kingdom, the principality of sorts that tore our ...
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Trump’s “Base” and Their “Elites”
May 22, 2018
I’m amazed at how Trump’s “base” hates their so-called “elites,” but doesn’t seem to have the slightest bit of anger or resentment for big business, ...
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Crumbs for the “Common Man”
May 16, 2018
On my website I talk a lot about the “common man” (a group which today would undoubtedly include women and should thus probably be referred ...
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