I’m Being Indicted for You

In God we Trump

Former President Trump tells more lies than there are stars in heaven, but he’s once again outdoing himself when it comes to explaining why he stored classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. This humble spirit’s personal favorite is that he declassified them merely by thinking about it (talk about illusions of omnipotence!), but as usual, Trump has […]

The Dustbin of History

Trump mid sentence

The details of Donald Trump’s indictment for mishandling classified documents won’t be fully known until the trial, but we do know the former president is once again misbehaving himself, big time—including ugly personal attacks on Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor in charge of the case, as well as encouraging his supporters to commit acts of […]

A House Divided Risks Default

Abraham Lincoln

It’s possible the country has avoided the debt ceiling crisis once again, but the disturbing episode has served as another reminder that ours is a terribly divided, polarized nation.  I rarely agreed with the late Rush Limbaugh, but he was certainly correct to question whether America can survive its current challenges, with (at least!) two […]

Haves and Have Nots

Jordan Neely, a homeless young Black man apparently suffering from mental illness, was put in a chokehold and killed by Daniel Penny, a white 24-year-old ex-marine.  So, what do you know, we have yet another Black man with the life choked out of him, only this time by an ex-marine rather than the police, just […]

You Are What You Eat!

Trump Balloon

I acknowledge that Tucker Carlson—recently fired from Fox “News” and about to surface only God knows where—no doubt has many fans who are well-educated and living in comfortable economic circumstances (the old stereotype of upper middle class Republican voters). And yet it’s hard not to picture his viewers as the worst MAGA caricatures: uneducated, low […]

MAGA Republicans vs. the Majority

Governor Abbott

The MAGA Republicans continue to assault the will of the majority, along with the rule of law, whenever the opportunity presents itself.  Tennessee’s Republican state legislature voted to expel two Black Democratic members for protesting on the statehouse floor for tougher gun laws.  Then, as if it would go unnoticed if he didn’t talk about […]

MAGAs Can’t Handle the Truth

MAGAs not only don’t care if they’re blatantly lied to (e.g., Trump, Fox “News,” QAnon conspiracy theories), they WANT to be lied to and even demand it. There are numerous reasons for this: And the list goes on; I’m sure you can think of plenty more for yourself.  But, no matter, lies sooth them and […]

Liars of a Feather

Two Birds

Is this humble spirit the only one who sees the disturbing similarities between Alex Murdaugh and Donald Trump?  Never mind their peculiarly similar hair, they’re both frauds, charlatans, and conmen who got away with masquerading behind an impressive facade.  Above all they’re narcissists and pathological liars.  They’ve lost track of what the truth is, even […]

Coming Off the Rails

The environmental disaster in East Palestine, OH presents an obvious metaphor for our society coming off the rails, crashing and burning while we fail to address the underlying problems that caused the accident.  The residents of East Palestine, a blue-collar town that voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020, are rightfully angry, […]

Desperate Pandering

Fox News

Like many others, I’ve previously vented about the primetime hosts at Fox “News” and their flagrant pandering to the MAGA universe, creating a poisonous cycle by which misinformed opinions follow skewed reporting and vice versa, otherwise known as garbage in, garbage out.  What has been revealed by the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion […]

Normal or Crazy?

Trump Biden Street Signs

According to Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders in her official Republican rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address to Congress, “The dividing line in America is no longer right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” Regrettably, this humble spirit tends to agree.  But while Governor Sanders, who formerly served as […]

You Ain’t Supposed to Be Here

Sadly, there’s no denying that a significant portion of white America, especially those with a “MAGA” mentality, don’t want Black Americans in this country, plain and simple, and are perfectly happy to see them killed by the police whenever the opportunity presents itself.  That attitude generally applies to other people of color as well, but […]

The Killing of Tyre Nichols

The behavior exhibited by the Memphis “Scorpion Unit” makes this humble spirit’s head spin, along with my stomach, in ways I didn’t know it could.  What was that?!  If their actions weren’t so atrocious, the so-called Scorpions might be compared to the Keystone Cops lost in a modern-day hellscape: those five big, burly guys couldn’t […]

The Wagner Group

The existence of the Wagner Group, a “private military company” (a polite euphemism for “paramilitary organization”) now being used to help fight Putin’s war in Ukraine, is upsetting in more ways than one.  Mercenaries are rarely a good thing, especially when they’re fighting for a terrible cause (something this humble spirit knows all too much […]

“Wokeness” Had Nothing to Do with It

Mae West

In Mae West’s first scene in her first film, 1932’s Night After Night with George Raft, the nightclub hatcheck girl compliments Ms. West’s jewelry: “Goodness, what lovely diamonds!” To which Mae responds, “Goodness had nothing to do with it, dearie.”  That about sums up the Republican Party’s current obsession with “wokeness,” one more fabricated boogeyman […]

The Radical Monster

Trump at Podium

Last week Donald Trump launched a new attack on Black Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, once again falsely accusing them of delivering suitcases full of fraudulent Biden ballots that contributed to his defeat in the 2020 election.  He said he is fighting “the evils and treachery of the Radical Left monsters who […]

The Southwest Airlines Crash

Southwest Airlines Jet Plane

The Christmas-time disaster experienced by Southwest Airlines is a good example of why capitalism so often finds itself threatened by socialism.  And maybe that’s a good thing, a strong incentive to help make sure large corporations behave themselves. Last week I suggested that government is the only thing stopping the top 1% from taking all […]

Oops, We Defunded the I.R.S.!

This humble spirit never supported “defunding the police,” but I’m even more opposed to defunding the Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.), something that’s been in progress for a good while.  We’ve just learned that the I.R.S. never audited President Trump’s taxes during his presidency, despite a law requiring it to audit the tax returns of all […]

Trump’s 34 Co-Conspirators

Billboard saying "Seeking Information on US Capitol Violence"

Whenever I vent about MAGAs, which is quite often, I inevitably feel a little remorseful.  Because as much as they anger me, a part of this humble spirit remains sympathetic to their plight; to put it in a nutshell, feeling left behind in a rapidly diversifying America with an increasingly globalized, knowledge-based economy. They may […]

A Tsunami is Still Out There

While we can all rejoice that the great “red wave” that some had predicted for the midterm elections failed to materialize, we should not delude ourselves into believing the threat to our democracy has passed.  Many of Trump’s election deniers may have been defeated and the Republican House will be powerless to do much except […]