My Story Began Back in the Days of the “Cotton Kingdom."

I was dubbed the “gallant Pelham” by General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate States of America, and subsequently got myself killed fighting for that terrible cause, maybe the worst cause that ever was.  History thus remembers me as a hardcore rebel fighter, but in truth I was an abolitionist sympathizer who knew the Cotton Kingdom’s war in defense of slavery was evil. Yes, you might say I sold my soul to the devil in exchange for fame, glory and sexual conquest.  

These excerpts are from the first book in an upcoming series of historical fiction that tells my life story.   

1. The Monster on Uncle Baylor’s Back

I’m embarrassed to admit that it took me a while to realize white people owned black people, and all the things they did to keep it that way.
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2. Saying Goodbye to Aryanna

When I was twelve years old, right when the ‘Cotton Kingdom’ that was coming into full bloom, I got some more cruel lessons about slavery.
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3. The “Cotton Kingdom” Comes to the Pelham Farm

When the price of cotton finally got so high that it became profitable to grow in the upcountry, my father decided to become a cotton planter.
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4. A Discovery in the Stable

I learned about sex in the worst way, which meant learning about what was at the core of the plantation system—sexual exploitation and domination, with a little sadism mixed in for good measure.
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5. There are Things that Can Be Undone

It was the worst thing that ever happened to me; I let my brothers force me into raping Aryanna, my childhood love. If ever there was something that couldn’t be undone, that was it.
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6. The New Orleans Slave Market

My father thought that taking me to the slave market in New Orleans, the center of the Cotton Kingdom, would help make a master of me, but it just taught me more terrible things about the world.
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7. Trip Home from Gotham

What can I say about these three dudes I came to know during the war? Just listen in on their conversation—talk about white MALE privilege!
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8. Learning to Be a Slave Master

I had a lot to learn about growing cotton and being a master, but mostly I had to learn the sorry truth about the white man, or in this case, my father, Doctor Pelham.
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9. God of the Cotton Kingdom

You won’t believe the crap the Negroes were taught in the name of Jesus Christ, and you won’t believe what my brother did to become master of the farm, a lord and master of the Cotton Kingdom.
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10. Escaping the Godless Cotton Kingdom

Me and my two bucks learned the hard way that the Cotton Kingdom was a godless, cruel place ruled by godless, cruel men like my father, who could not be trusted.
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