This humble spirit would like to join the crowd in commending President Biden on passing the torch. Even avid Biden supporters should acknowledge that what we saw wasn’t a “bad debate”; it was a sad and painful display of significant cognitive decline. On the chance that he defeated Trump, the odds of which were getting smaller by the day, does anyone really think he could have made it through another four-year term? After all the tumult of the election, the country might have been faced with having to invoke the 25th Amendment as early as February 2025.
It’s hard to know exactly how we got here, who knew what and when they knew it—and what they reasonably could have been expected to do about it. Medical science has advanced considerably since my day (that being 1838-1863) and extended the human lifecycle considerably in advanced countries like the United States, but unfortunately it hasn’t stopped the decline of people’s cognitive abilities. In fact, it’s made things worse. Back in the nineteenth century when people died at a much younger age, there was limited opportunity for their cognitive abilities to decline as they do now. In simplest terms, our physical longevity is outstripping our mental capacity. Hopefully that will be remedied in the not-too-distant future, but right now we have a lot of people struggling with the impacts of old age, including responsibility for parents and relatives who may be in a state of cognitive decline.

Will Kamala Harris Inherit Biden’s Campaign Team? Let’s Hope Not!
We don’t know how much the president’s dwindling capacity adversely impacted his campaign, but I suspect he was a convenient scapegoat for an incompetent organization. The campaign’s spokespeople have been out there for months spouting the same driveling talking points that are all but irrelevant to most voters. As I’ve said before, the Biden campaign has been an ineffective disaster, a case study in bad, tone-deaf communications. (Trump may be a vile and demented aspiring authoritarian, but he oftentimes seems more in touch with voters’ priorities than did Biden.) In particular, do the Biden people realize how many times they’ve said, “we have work to do”? There’s an understatement! Given the threat Donald Trump poses to American democracy, it’s high time they got cracking!
As the weeks and months passed, the Biden campaign’s pathetic haplessness was only becoming more apparent. It’s obvious they had no idea what needed to be done and/or no idea how to do it. Even prior to the president’s disastrous debate performance, they were unable to move the needle, despite having a fundraising advantage. The dangerous far-right insanity contained in the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” has fallen in their lap, but they need to better communicate the administration’s accomplishments along with an inspired vision for the future. “Reproductive freedom” is an extremely important issue, which holds great potential for Kamala Harris, but it can’t be the Democrats’ only issue in the face of voters’ ongoing concern over inflation, high interest rates, and chaos at the Southern border.
Biden Campaign Workers Should Apply for Jobs in the Secret Service—It’s the Only Place They’ll Find People as Incompetent as They Are!
Finally, what can we say about the Biden campaign’s delusional interpretation of the polls. Forget their silly talking points, up until now there is little evidence of it being a close race; no, it’s been a potential wipeout waiting to happen. Why do I say that? In both 2016 and 2020, Trump did way better on election day than the polls suggested he would; he currently leads in all the swing states; and based on the electoral college strongly favoring Republicans, a Democrat has to be ahead by at least 4-5 percentage points nationally to win—something that has yet to be the case. Yes, despite the threat Trump poses to American democracy, up until now it’s been a wipeout waiting to happen.